Pete buttigieg funny gay meme

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A burl-wood chessboard sits beside a folded-over copy of The New Yorker most other surfaces, including the dining-room table in the other room, are piled with work papers and the castoffs of a busy life. Showing me into a living room where books on display range from Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century to Peanuts: A Golden Celebration, he takes a seat in front of a huge resource- and-mineral map of Afghanistan. He seems to live in white shirts and pressed slacks-it's his dress even now, around the house-and wears his hair in the same tame coif as Mike Pence, who was elected Indiana's governor the year he was sworn in as mayor. He speaks, like a newscaster, in lucid paragraphs, with a solid baritone and boxed-in decorum.

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20 mar 245 7 rona Thinking about P*te Butt*g**g's giant map of Afghanistan's resource and minerals that he casually keeps in his house like a movie villian In person, Buttigieg's style is amiable and controlled.

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